Review Article

Super Species: the Exceptional Beings in the Evolution of Life  

Xuanjun Fang
Institute of Life Sciences, Jiyang College, Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, China
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Super Species Research, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2   doi: 10.5376/ijssr.2023.13.0002
Received: 03 May, 2023    Accepted: 10 May, 2023    Published: 17 May, 2023
© 2023 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Fang X.J., 2023, Super species: the exceptional beings in the evolution of life, International Journal of Super Species Research, 13(2): 1-9 (doi:10.5376/ijssr.2023.13.0002)


This article explores the significance and prominent role of super species in the evolution of life. Firstly, the concept and definition of super species are introduced, referring to species that have achieved significant success in adaptive evolution and competitive selection. Then, the methods and criteria for classifying super species are discussed, including species richness, adaptability, and ecological functionality. Emphasis is placed on the role and importance of super species in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance within ecosystems. Through the introduction of examples showcasing super species characteristics, such as coral reefs in the oceans and passerine birds, their exceptional performance and successful adaptation abilities in different ecosystems are highlighted. Finally, the significance of super species research is underscored as it provides important examples and cases for understanding the evolution of life, species formation, and ecosystem functionality. This article aims to popularize scientific knowledge about super species and provide a reference for scholars, promoting further research and exploration in the field of super species.

Super species; Evolution of life; Adaptive evolution; Competitive selection; Biodiversity; Ecosystem functionality

Super species play a crucial role in biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. Their presence maintains the stability and balance of ecosystems and influences the population dynamics and distribution range of other species. The success of super species demonstrates the process of natural selection and competitive selection in the evolution of life.


Clearly, super species are exceptional beings in the evolution of life, standing out in species competition with their remarkable adaptive abilities and competitive advantages. The concept of super species has attracted extensive attention and research in the field of biology. This article aims to delve into the exceptional status and significance of super species in the evolution of life. By studying the definition, classification, and evolutionary mechanisms of super species, a better understanding of the fundamental principles of biodiversity and species competition can be achieved. Furthermore, gaining deeper insights into the impact of super species on ecosystems helps in formulating effective conservation and management strategies to uphold ecological balance and biodiversity.


1 Definition and Classification of Super Species

1.1 Concept and definition of super species

Super species refer to specific species that exhibit outstanding competitive and adaptive abilities in species competition. They possess unique characteristics and strategies that enable them to gain significant advantages in adapting to the environment, acquiring resources, and reproducing. Super species typically have high reproductive rates, broad ecological adaptability, and strong predatory or competitive abilities. They play an important role in biological evolution and exert significant influence on the structure and function of ecosystems.


The definition of super species is not fixed, as it depends on the studied biological population and specific environmental conditions. However, a common characteristic is that super species demonstrate abilities and effects in adaptation and competition that are distinctly different from other species. The success of super species is often attributed to their unique morphology, physiological traits, behavioral strategies, or other genetic traits. Some typical examples of super species include:


Mosquitofish: This fish species excels in reproductive capacity, allowing for rapid population expansion in a short period.


Red Imported Fire Ant: This ant species exhibits high social organization and formidable competitive abilities, enabling them to rapidly establish colonies in new environments and have significant impacts on local ecosystems.


Australian Magpie: This bird species displays strong adaptability, surviving in diverse habitats and exhibiting high intelligence and social behavior.


1.2 Classification methods and criteria of super species

Classifying super species is a complex task as it involves a comprehensive assessment of species characteristics, ecological niche, and ecological functionality. There are several commonly used methods and criteria for classifying super species:


Species abundance and distribution: Super species typically exhibit significantly high species abundance and have a wide distribution range in their habitats. This broad distribution may involve multiple geographic regions or ecosystems.


Ecological adaptability: Super species usually possess broad ecological adaptability, enabling them to survive and reproduce in various environmental conditions. They may have flexible feeding habits, rapid responses to environmental changes, or unique physiological mechanisms.


Competitive advantage: Super species often have a distinct advantage in resource competition, allowing them to outcompete other species and dominate. They may possess efficient resource utilization strategies, powerful hunting abilities, or effective defense mechanisms.


Evolutionary history: Super species typically have a longer evolutionary history and may represent important nodes in the evolutionary process. They may have unique evolutionary paths, specific genetic variations, or significant branching and dispersal abilities.


Typical classifications of super species can also highlight their outstanding performance in different aspects, such as:


Predator super species: Predator super species are species with exceptional abilities in predation and competition. They can efficiently prey on other species and maintain the stability of their own populations. A typical example is the lion (Panthera leo). Lions are highly successful predators with powerful physique and hunting skills, capable of cooperative hunting of large prey. They sustain their population's food requirements through hunting behavior.


Fast-reproducing super species: Fast-reproducing super species have high reproductive capacity and short reproductive cycles, enabling them to rapidly increase their population size. A typical example is the housefly (Musca domestica). Houseflies are common pests with incredibly fast reproductive rates. Each female can lay over 100 eggs at a time, and their short development cycle allows them to rapidly increase their population size within a short period.


Adaptive super species: Adaptive super species possess broad ecological adaptability, enabling them to thrive in diverse environments and ecological conditions. A typical example is the house mouse (Mus musculus). House mice are highly successful adaptive species capable of surviving and reproducing in various environments. They exhibit high flexibility and adaptability, utilizing a range of habitats created by human activities, including urban areas, farmlands, and grasslands.


It should be noted that the definition and classification of super species are an active research field, and different scholars may have different viewpoints and approaches. Therefore, when classifying super species, researchers should consider the aforementioned criteria and evaluate and judge them based on specific research subjects and environmental conditions.


2 Origins and Evolution of Super Species

2.1 Evolutionary background and theories of super species origins

The origins and evolution of super species involve multiple factors, including environmental pressures, resource utilization, and competition. There are various theories regarding the evolutionary background and origins, and one significant theory is the species amplification effect. This theory suggests that after a species gains a competitive advantage in a specific environment, its population size and adaptability further enhance, leading to the formation of a super species.


For example, in the case of ants, when a certain species of ants can effectively occupy resources and establish nests, their population quickly increases, further strengthening their competitive abilities, thus forming a super species.


Another example is the wolf pack (Canis lupus) as a super species, with its evolutionary background and origins traced back to the formation of cooperative hunting and social structure within the wolf population. This enables wolf packs to efficiently prey on animals and protect their territories.


2.2 Key features and strategies of super species in the evolutionary process

Super species develop a series of key features and strategies during the process of evolution, enabling them to stand out in competition. One key feature is high adaptability. Super species can adapt to diverse environments and ecological conditions, effectively acquiring resources and reproducing through adaptive traits and behavioral strategies. For example, bees, as super species, successfully utilize pollen and nectar through complex social organization and efficient foraging strategies.


Another example is dolphins (Delphinidae), which possess excellent swimming and tracking abilities, as well as highly developed social behaviors, enabling them to be highly competitive in the marine environment and adapt to various ecological settings.


2.3 Evolutionary pathways and case studies of super species success

The study of evolutionary pathways and successful cases of super species provides insights into their evolutionary patterns and mechanisms. Here are two examples:


Pathogenic Super Species: Pathogenic super species refer to rapidly adapting and spreading pathogenic microorganisms. One notable example is the influenza virus. The influenza virus is known for its high variability and rapid adaptability. Due to its high genetic variability, the influenza virus can evade immune system attacks and quickly adapt to new hosts and environments. This enables the influenza virus to spread rapidly worldwide and cause large-scale epidemics.


Flying Animal Super Species: Some species of flying animals are considered super species due to their exceptional flying abilities and adaptability. For instance, swallows (Hirundinidae) are considered one of the super species among flying animals. Swallows have lightweight and streamlined body structures, long and pointed wings, and agile flying skills. This allows swallows to fly at high speeds, maneuver with agility, and capture insects in mid-air. The super flying ability of swallows enables them to occupy a wide range of habitats and successfully reproduce under various environmental conditions.


3 Adaptability and Competitive Advantage of Super Species

3.1 Adaptability and survival strategies of super species

Super species possess outstanding adaptability and survival strategies, enabling them to thrive and reproduce in various environments. For example, ants (Formicidae) are considered insects with super species characteristics, given the importance of resource acquisition. Ant societies exhibit highly specialized division of labor and cooperation, utilizing collective behavior and information transfer to forage for food and establish nests. Additionally, ants have developed strong defense mechanisms and the ability to adapt to diverse habitats, allowing them to survive in highly competitive environments.


3.2 Advantage of super species in resource competition and environmental changes

Super species demonstrate significant advantages in resource competition and environmental changes. They possess the ability to adapt to diverse resource utilization and effectively exploit opportunities in the environment. For instance, lion prides (Panthera leo) on the African savannah are among the super species with competitive advantages. Through group hunting strategies and the formation of social structures, lion prides can occupy vast territories and prey on large game. This positions them at the top of the food chain in the savannah ecosystem, asserting dominance in resource competition.


3.3 Competition and interactions of super species with other species

Competition and interactions between super species and other species have important implications for ecosystem stability and species evolution. A typical example is the competition between beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and seals (Phocidae). Beluga whales possess powerful swimming abilities and unique hunting techniques, allowing them to feed on fish and invertebrates in the frigid waters of the Arctic. However, there is competition between beluga whales and seals, especially on limited ice surfaces. This competition affects the survival and reproductive strategies of both species and has significant impacts on the structure and functioning of the ecosystem.


These examples and images illustrate the importance of super species in terms of adaptability and competitive advantage. Super species exhibit outstanding adaptability and survival strategies, enabling them to thrive and reproduce in various environments. They demonstrate clear advantages in resource competition and environmental changes, engaging in competition and interactions with other species within the ecosystem.


4 Ecological Impacts of Super Species

4.1 Important effects of super species on ecosystem structure and function

Super species have significant impacts on the structure and function of ecosystems. Their presence and activities directly and indirectly affect other organisms and biological communities in the environment. For example, in forest ecosystems, large carnivores such as brown bears (Ursus arctos) are considered super species. Brown bears regulate the population size and distribution of their prey through predation, thereby influencing vegetation structure, population dynamics, and food web patterns. Their presence can promote ecosystem complexity and stability.


4.2 Relationship between super species and species diversity

There is a close relationship between super species and species diversity. They play an important role in maintaining and regulating species diversity. For example, corals (Scleractinia) in coral reef ecosystems are considered biological entities with super species characteristics. Corals provide habitats and food resources for numerous fish, invertebrates, and other microorganisms, maintaining rich biodiversity. Their interactions with other species are crucial for the health and functioning of coral reef ecosystems.


4.3 Role of super species in ecosystem stability and ecological balance

Super species play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem stability and ecological balance. Their presence and activities influence ecological processes such as species interactions, energy flow, and material cycling. For instance, ants (Formicidae) are considered one of the insect groups with super species characteristics. Ants directly and indirectly impact aspects such as soil structure, plant populations, and the abundance and distribution of other insect populations through nest building, foraging, predation, and being preyed upon. Their presence contributes to maintaining the balance and stability of ecosystems.


5 Future Challenges and Research Directions

5.1 Challenges in conservation and management

As our understanding and research on super species deepen, we also face challenges in their conservation and management. Firstly, super species are often widely distributed and complex, encompassing different geographic regions and ecosystems. Therefore, cross-border conservation and management cooperation become particularly important, requiring international coordination and collaboration mechanisms.


Secondly, super species often possess significant ecological functions and impacts, playing critical roles in ecosystems. Therefore, conservation and management strategies need to consider the importance of super species to ecosystems and ensure suitable environments for their survival and reproduction. This may involve establishing protected areas, restoring habitats, controlling illegal fishing and hunting, among other measures.


Additionally, the threats faced by super species are also related to other factors such as climate change, habitat fragmentation, pollution, and human disturbances. Therefore, conservation and management strategies need to comprehensively consider these factors and adopt integrated conservation measures.


5.2 Future research directions and prospects for super species

Future research will further explore the evolution, adaptability, and ecological functions of super species. Here are some potential research directions and prospects:


Genomics Research: Utilize advanced genomic technologies to study the genomic composition and genetic characteristics of super species, exploring key genes involved in their adaptability and evolutionary processes.


Ecosystem Modeling and Predictions: Establish more accurate ecosystem models to predict the responses of super species to environmental changes and disturbances. This contributes to a better understanding of the performance and adaptability of super species under future environmental changes.


Global-Scale Monitoring and Protection: Establish a global monitoring network for super species and international cooperation mechanisms for their protection and management. This will help better understand the abundance, distribution, threats to super species, and develop cross-border protection strategies.


Assessment of Ecosystem Services: Investigate the contributions of super species to ecosystem functions and services, including the maintenance of species diversity, preservation of ecological balance, and impacts on ecosystem stability and human well-being. This can provide important scientific basis for formulating ecological conservation policies and sustainable development.


Relationships Between Super Species and Human Society: Explore the interactions between super species and human society, including the impacts of super species on human economy, health, and culture. This enhances people's awareness and appreciation of super species, promoting sustainable coexistence between humans and nature.


Application of Emerging Technologies: Utilize emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and genetics in super species research. These technologies can provide more data and methods to help us better understand the characteristics, behaviors, and ecological functions of super species.


Future research on super species will be a multidisciplinary and comprehensive field, requiring interdisciplinary collaboration and global efforts. Through in-depth research on super species, we can gain a better understanding of exceptional organisms in the evolution of life and provide scientific basis for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem functionality.



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Further Reading Recommendations

The following works are worth reading and will help you gain a deeper understanding of super-species, evolutionary biology, as well as related fields of ecology and conservation biology.


Darwin C., 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Murray


Diamond J., 1997, Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies, W. W. Norton & Company


Gould S. J., 2002, The structure of evolutionary theory, Belknap Press


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Vellend M., 2016, The theory of ecological communities, Princeton University Press


Wilson E. O., 2002, The future of life, Vintage Books

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