‘We’re All Asgardians’: New Clues About the Origin of Complex Life
Published:26 Jul.2023    Source:University of Texas at Austin
Eukaryotes are, in the parlance of evolutionary biologists, a well-nested clade within Asgard archaea, similar to how birds are one of several groups within a larger group called dinosaurs, sharing a common ancestor. The team has found that all eukaryotes share a common ancestor among the Asgards. No fossils of eukaryotes have been found from farther back than about 2 billion years ago, suggesting that before that, only various types of microbes existed.
So, what events led microbes to evolve into eukaryotes? said Brett Baker, UT Austin associate professor of integrative biology and marine science. Thats a big question. Having this common ancestor is a big step in understanding that. Led by Thijs Ettema of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, the research team identified the closest microbial relative to all complex life forms on the tree of life as a newly described order called the Hodarchaeales (or Hods for short). The Hods, found in marine sediments, are one of several subgroups within the larger group of Asgard archaea.

The Asgard archaea evolved more than 2 billion years ago, and their descendants are still living. Some have been discovered in deep sea sediments and hot springs around the world, but so far only two strains have been successfully grown in the lab. To identify them, scientists collect their genetic material from the environment and then piece together their genomes. Based on genetic similarities with other organisms that can be grown in the lab and studied, the scientists can infer metabolism and other features of the Asgards.