Author Correspondence author
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3 doi: 10.5376/ijmeb.2024.14.0016
Received: 17 May, 2024 Accepted: 22 Jun., 2024 Published: 30 Jun., 2024
Li J.Y., and Li J., 2024, The origin and evolution of endemic birds in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity, 14(3): 133-146 (doi: 10.5376/ijmeb.2024.14.0016)
The Tibetan Plateau is a unique region characterized by its high altitude, diverse habitats, and significant endemic biodiversity. This study systematically explores the origins and evolution of endemic bird species in this area, examining geological and climatic history, evolutionary adaptations, and current conservation challenges. The research identified the critical roles of plateau uplift and Quaternary climate changes in driving species formation and genetic differentiation. The endemic birds exhibit significant physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations to cope with the high-altitude environment. Despite ongoing conservation efforts, these species still face significant threats from climate change and human activities. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating phylogenetic, ecological, and behavioral research to guide conservation strategies. Longitudinal studies to monitor the impact of climate change and ensure the preservation of these unique bird populations are crucial. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary processes of biodiversity on the Tibetan Plateau, offering a scientific basis for future conservation efforts.
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. Jingya Li
. Jun Li
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. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
. Endemic birds
. Evolutionary adaptations
. Phylogenetics
. Conservation strategies
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